
Georgia Stay SAFE Webinar

Recorded on June 21, 2024. This educational offering is appropriate for healthcare providers, first responders, community advocates, Peds CHAMPS, and school nurses.

Presenter: Kiesha Fraser Doh, M.D

Kiesha Fraser Doh, M.D., is a Pediatric Emergency Physician and the Director of ED Physician Outreach for Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta-Hughes Spalding and Egleston Campus.

Content Warning: This webinar focuses on injury prevention and contains material that is sensitive and may be disturbing to some individuals. All of the webinar content, including that which may be intellectually or emotionally challenging, has been intentionally curated to achieve the learning goals of this course.

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National STOP THE BLEED® Day – Live Online Training – May 23, 2024



Upcoming Events:

STOP THE BLEED® Live Online Training

Thursday, May 23, 2024

10:00am • 1:00pm • 4:00pm

Click Here to Register

Find Upcoming Courses Near You – Search for STOP THE BLEED® Training Events in Georgia and Beyond

In 2017, Georgia launched the nationwide STOP THE BLEED® campaign, which puts knowledge gained by first responders and our military into the hands of the public to help save lives by stopping uncontrolled bleeding in emergency situations.

If bleeding is severe, it can kill within minutes, potentially before trained responders can arrive. Research has shown that bystanders, with little or no medical training, can become heroic lifesavers. Similar to the use of CPR or automatic defibrillators (AED), improving public awareness about how to stop severe bleeding can be the difference between life and death for an injured person.

To date, over 100,000 Georgians have completed STOP THE BLEED® training. Our goal is to build resilience by educating and empowering all citizens to be aware of the simple steps that can be taken to stop or slow life-threatening bleeding.




STOP THE BLEED® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Defense, Defense Health Agency. All rights reserved. © DoD.

EMS Region 5 Art Contest

Central Georgia Region 5 Emergency Medical Services for Children (R5 EMSC), in partnership with the Region 5 Regional Trauma Advisory Committee (R5 RTAC), is excited to announce this year’s EMS Region 5 Art Contest. This annual competition encourages students to use their creativity and talent to raise awareness of EMS professionals and how to stay safe. The art contest is open to four groups spanning pre-K through 12th grade.

Students’ artwork should focus on a theme belonging to the two main categories below 1- EMS Awareness and 2- Injury Prevention and Safety. Students may create artwork using one of the suggested themes or another related theme or topic of their choosing.


Click Here to View DetailsLearn MoreEMS-Region-5-Art-Contest-2023-2024

Submit an Entry Online:

Congratulations to our 2022 EMS Region 5 Art Contest Winners! We appreciate all of the wonderful entries.

Regional Trauma Educational Needs Assessment 2024

Roses are red, and violets are blue;

Our education survey is live; we need to hear from you!

EMS, Hospital, and Regional Trauma System Partners:

Please help us celebrate Valentine’s Day and better understand your trauma education needs.

To win, you need to act fast…

> Respondents 1-14 will win an R5 Challenge Coin

> The first R5 EMS Service and Hospital with 5 respondents will receive 14 – plush Valentines to share with their patients.

> The 14th respondent will receive the Region 5 Valentine’s gift of their choosing in addition to their R5 Challenge Coin

> Respondents 1-100 respondents will receive a Valentine’s gift from the R5TRAUMA Education Outreach Team. – We will surprise you!

Be sure to share with your teams!

Access the survey using the link below or use the attached QR Code and flier:

EMS Region 5: Regional Trauma Educational Needs Assessment 2024


Trauma care knowledge and skills must be continuously updated, refined, and expanded through targeted trauma education. The Region 5 RTAC works in collaboration with the Georgia OEMS&T, Region 5 EMS Education and Training Committee, and trauma system stakeholders to assess the region’s educational needs and address any identified gaps to drive regional trauma system improvement. 

Reports generated from this survey will not include the names of respondents or their organizational affiliations. Instead, the information obtained will be presented as a regional overview. While this survey is specifically designed as a tool to guide our regional trauma system, we welcome any feedback for medical, cardiac, or special patient populations as well. Your valuable input will guide us in achieving improved access to high-quality trauma-related education.

Thank you for your participation!

Region 5 EMS Pediatric Trauma Symposium

Central Georgia – Region 5 EMS Pediatric Trauma Symposium

Central Georgia EMS Region Five recognizes the remarkable contributions of Georgia’s EMS Providers and our Trauma System Partners in saving children’s lives. The Regional Pediatric Symposium is the result of the collaborative efforts of the EMS Region 5 Regional Trauma Advisory Committee (RTAC), Central Georgia EMS for Children, the Region 5 Advisory Council Education Committee, and the Regional EMS Directors Association.

While the 2024 Pediatric Trauma Symposium is designed primarily with the educational needs of prehospital practitioners in mind, others providing emergent care to children are always welcome to attend. We aim to improve the lives of children by sharing tools and information specific to preventing pediatric injury and providing optimal trauma care.

Peds Symposium Website – Complete Program Details

Register Here: Central Georgia Pediatric Trauma Symposium Tickets

March 7-8, 2024 Live Pediatric Webinars

March 15, 2024 Pediatric Sim Day2024 R5TRAUMA Education Sponsorship Information

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STOP THE BLEED® Winter Training Blitz – Live Online Training



Upcoming Events:

STOP THE BLEED® Live Online Training

Wednesday, January 3, 2024 – Friday, January 5, 2024

Choose from one of three 1-hour sessions each day

10:00am • 1:00pm • 4:00pm

Click Here to Register

Find Upcoming Courses Near You – Search for STOP THE BLEED® Training Events in Georgia and Beyond

In 2017, Georgia launched the nationwide STOP THE BLEED® campaign, which puts knowledge gained by first responders and our military into the hands of the public to help save lives by stopping uncontrolled bleeding in emergency situations.

If bleeding is severe, it can kill within minutes, potentially before trained responders can arrive. Research has shown that bystanders, with little or no medical training, can become heroic lifesavers. Similar to the use of CPR or automatic defibrillators (AED), improving public awareness about how to stop severe bleeding can be the difference between life and death for an injured person.

To date, over 100,000 Georgians have completed STOP THE BLEED® training. Our goal is to build resilience by educating and empowering all citizens to be aware of the simple steps that can be taken to stop or slow life-threatening bleeding.




STOP THE BLEED® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Defense, Defense Health Agency. All rights reserved. © DoD.

Prevent Hypothermia Trauma Care Alert


The lethal trauma triad—hypothermia, acidosis, and coagulopathy—is a significant cause of death in patients with traumatic injuries. Failing to stop any one of the triad’s components leads to worsening hemorrhage and eventual death.

  • Stop the Bleeding
  • Keep ambulances and resuscitation rooms warm
  • Remove any wet clothing
  • Cover patients with blankets and other warming devices
  • Expose patients ONLY as needed for assessment and treatment
  • Warm ALL IV fluids and blood products
  • DO NOT infuse large volumes of crystalloid fluids*

*Generally, burn patients are the ONLY trauma patients who require large volumes of crystalloid fluids. Warm ALL IV fluids – burn trauma patients are especially susceptible to hypothermia.

Right-click on the graphics below to download.

Right-click on the graphics below to download.

Region 5 EMS Awards Breakfast

The honor of your presence is requested at Central Georgia
Region 5 Emergency Medical Services Awards Celebration

Wednesday, January 10, 202

Georgia Public Safety Training Center

Forsyth, Georgia

8:15 Check-In & Networking

8:30 Awards Presentation

Register Now! 2023-24 R5EMS Awards Registration

Please be sure to register by Friday, January 5th.

If you are interested in helping or sponsoring contact Kristal @

2023-24 R5EMS Awards Home

2023-24 R5EMS Awards Registration

2023-24 R5EMS Awards Breakfast Announcement

2023-24 R5EMS Awards Nomination Form and Criteria

2023-24 R5EMS Awards Sponsorship Letter

Award Nomination Forms, EMS Honor Roll Submissions (Deaths since January 2022), and Sponsorship Notifications are due December 15th, 2023.