Law Enforcement
Mutual Aid Trauma Program
The Law Enforcement Mutual Aid Trauma (LE-MAT) Program is designed to enable law enforcement personnel acting in accordance with Georgia’s Good Samaritan Statue (51-1-29 to 51-1-29.3) to render immediate, potentially life-saving medical aid to the injured while they await the arrival of emergency medical services.
The LE-MAT program is a public health/emergency preparedness initiative being jointly administered by the Region 5 EMS Advisory Council and the Region 5 Regional Trauma Advisory Committee (RTAC). Program materials are provided through Trauma System Improvement Grant funding from the Georgia Trauma Commission.
Municipal and county law enforcement agencies served by EMS Region 5 RTAC are eligible to participate in the Mutual Aid Trauma Program. The opportunity is provided to eligible law enforcement agencies at NO COST. LE-MAT Kits contain tourniquets and other potentially life-saving equipment. More than 900 kits have been distributed region-wide.
All kit recipients receive training in the use of the kit’s contents, basic management of airway and breathing, and hemorrhage control.
Topics Covered:
- Medical Response to Trauma: The Hartford Consensus
- Bleeding Control for the Injured (BCon)
- M-A-R-C-H Priorities of Trauma Care
LE-MAT Kit Components: Trauma Shears, C-A-T Tourniquet, Compressed Gauze, Hyfin Chest Seals, Compression Bandage, Gloves, CPR Face Shield.
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