Roses are red, and violets are blue;
Our education survey is live; we need to hear from you!
EMS, Hospital, and Regional Trauma System Partners:
Please help us celebrate Valentine’s Day and better understand your trauma education needs.
To win, you need to act fast…
> Respondents 1-14 will win an R5 Challenge Coin
> The first R5 EMS Service and Hospital with 5 respondents will receive 14 – plush Valentines to share with their patients.
> The 14th respondent will receive the Region 5 Valentine’s gift of their choosing in addition to their R5 Challenge Coin
> Respondents 1-100 respondents will receive a Valentine’s gift from the R5TRAUMA Education Outreach Team. – We will surprise you!
Be sure to share with your teams!
Access the survey using the link below or use the attached QR Code and flier:
EMS Region 5: Regional Trauma Educational Needs Assessment 2024
Trauma care knowledge and skills must be continuously updated, refined, and expanded through targeted trauma education. The Region 5 RTAC works in collaboration with the Georgia OEMS&T, Region 5 EMS Education and Training Committee, and trauma system stakeholders to assess the region’s educational needs and address any identified gaps to drive regional trauma system improvement.
Reports generated from this survey will not include the names of respondents or their organizational affiliations. Instead, the information obtained will be presented as a regional overview. While this survey is specifically designed as a tool to guide our regional trauma system, we welcome any feedback for medical, cardiac, or special patient populations as well. Your valuable input will guide us in achieving improved access to high-quality trauma-related education.
Thank you for your participation!