Injury Prevention and Outreach Programs and Resources of the Georgia Committee for Trauma Excellence




Injuries caused by falling represent a serious health concern. Trauma system partners play an essential role in reducing the burden of injury through providing community-based education aimed at risk factor reduction and the delivery of evidence-based fall prevention programming. This guide is designed to help trauma centers and partners utilize social media platforms to support and promote fall prevention in older adults.

Are you ready to work to raise awareness and prevent falls injuries in Georgia?

Each year, beginning the first week of Fall and beyond, we work with our partners around the state to celebrate National Falls Prevention Awareness month through social media campaigns, community outreach, and professional education. We would be honored to have you partner with us in our work to prevent injury, save lives, and empower Georgians to make our communities safer.

Partners are encouraged to combat fall-related injury:

  • Raising awareness of fall-related injuries, associated risk factors, and fall prevention efforts
  • Affirming that fall-related injuries and deaths are preventable
  • Recognizing the importance of the community and families in prevention efforts
  • Providing resources and support to engage communities in fall prevention efforts
  • Working with local partners to implement fall prevention programming

Click here to access our Georgia Trauma System Fall Prevention Resources

Funded by the Georgia Trauma Commission, the Georgia Department of Human Services, the Division of Aging Services, and our partners at the Middle Georgia Regional Commission, Bingocize® is an evidence-based 10-week program that combines a bingo-like game with exercise and health education. The unique addition of bingo addresses many of the barriers to older adults’ participation because the game is fun, familiar, and can be done in either a virtual and/or group setting.

The program’s goals are to help older adults improve and/or maintain mobility and independence, learn and use health information focused on fall reduction and other health-related behaviors, and engage with other older adults. Participants are able to access the workshop in person or from the comfort of their homes.


Unfortunately, 80% of fatal firearm incidents involving children occur in the home. Medical organizations, public health agencies, gun owners’ associations, and public safety personnel all support safe firearm storage practices in homes with children and youth. Studies show that proper gun storage is associated with significant reductions in the risk of unintentional injuries and suicides among children and youth.

In 2021 we launched the Georgia Stay SAFE Campaign to be laser-focused on our state’s specific demographics and cultural framework. Our efforts are non-partisan and represent the collective work of a growing coalition with the sole aim of preventing firearm injury and death in children. SAFE stands for S-Store Firearms Securely, A-Ask Before Play, F-Focus on Safety, E-End Firearm Injury. With the help of the Georgia Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics and our Georgia Trauma System partners, the Georgia Stay SAFE Coalition has grown to include many new institutions and partners from throughout the state.

Too many children have lost their lives to firearm injuries. No single organization can tackle this issue alone. We would be honored if your organization would consider joining the Georgia Stay SAFE Campaign. We hope these resources will assist you as you work with your local partners to combat firearm injury.

#PreventTrauma #GeorgiaStaySAFE

More Georgia Stay SAFE

Georgia Stay SAFE – Home

Georgia Stay SAFE – Activity Book

Georgia Stay SAFE – Did You Know?

Georgia Stay SAFE – Handouts & Posters

Georgia Stay SAFE – Social Media Resources

Georgia Stay SAFE – Webinar

Child Abuse Prevention Resources:

American College of Surgeons Trauma Quality Programs: Best Practice Guidelines for Trauma Center Recognition of Child Abuse, Elder Abuse, and Intimate Partner Violence

Child Abuse Prevention Month – Child Welfare Information Gateway

Child Abuse Prevention Month 2023 –

Childrens Advocacy Centers of Georgia –

Prevent Child Abuse Georgia –

Validation of a Clinical Decision Rule to Predict Abuse in Young Children Based on Bruising Characteristics | Pediatrics | JAMA Network Open | JAMA Network

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The lethal trauma triad—hypothermia, acidosis, and coagulopathy—is a significant cause of death in patients with traumatic injuries. Failing to stop any one of the triad’s components leads to worsening hemorrhage and eventual death.

  • Stop the Bleeding
  • Keep ambulances and resuscitation rooms warm
  • Remove any wet clothing
  • Cover patients with blankets and other warming devices
  • Expose patients ONLY as needed for assessment and treatment
  • Warm ALL IV fluids and blood products
  • DO NOT infuse large volumes of crystalloid fluids*

*Generally, burn patients are the ONLY trauma patients who require large volumes of crystalloid fluids. Warm ALL IV fluids – burn trauma patients are especially susceptible to hypothermia.

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Right-click on the graphics below to download.



