Injury Prevention

Injuries are a significant health concern in Georgia, affecting everyone regardless of age, gender, race, or economic status. Approximately 5,200 Georgia die from injuries each year. Injuries present a significant burden to Georgians, measured not only in deaths but also in immediate costs incurred during Emergency Department (ED) visits and hospitalizations and long-term costs associated with extended therapies, disabilities, and lost productivity.

Injuries and violence are leading causes of death for children and adults ages 1-45 in the United States.

Centers for Disease Control, 2021

The R5Trauma Education and Outreach Team’s injury prevention initiatives include a wide range of activities aimed at reducing risks or threats to health. Our multi-faceted approach to injury prevention is designed to reduce the occurrence of injuries as well as to reduce the morbidity and mortality of injuries once they occur.

We conduct educational activities on a wide range of injury prevention topics such as child passenger safety, distracted driving, helmet use, fall prevention, and violence prevention to name a few.

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