EMS Region 5 Art Contest

Central Georgia Region 5 Emergency Medical Services for Children (R5 EMSC), in partnership with the Region 5 Regional Trauma Advisory Committee (R5 RTAC), is excited to announce this year’s EMS Region 5 Art Contest. This annual competition encourages students to use their creativity and talent to raise awareness of EMS professionals and how to stay safe. The art contest is open to four groups spanning pre-K through 12th grade.

Students’ artwork should focus on a theme belonging to the two main categories below 1- EMS Awareness and 2- Injury Prevention and Safety. Students may create artwork using one of the suggested themes or another related theme or topic of their choosing.


Click Here to View DetailsLearn MoreEMS-Region-5-Art-Contest-2023-2024

Submit an Entry Online: https://tinyurl.com/R5ArtOnlineEntryForm

Congratulations to our 2022 EMS Region 5 Art Contest Winners! We appreciate all of the wonderful entries.

Prevent Hypothermia Trauma Care Alert


The lethal trauma triad—hypothermia, acidosis, and coagulopathy—is a significant cause of death in patients with traumatic injuries. Failing to stop any one of the triad’s components leads to worsening hemorrhage and eventual death.

  • Stop the Bleeding
  • Keep ambulances and resuscitation rooms warm
  • Remove any wet clothing
  • Cover patients with blankets and other warming devices
  • Expose patients ONLY as needed for assessment and treatment
  • Warm ALL IV fluids and blood products
  • DO NOT infuse large volumes of crystalloid fluids*

*Generally, burn patients are the ONLY trauma patients who require large volumes of crystalloid fluids. Warm ALL IV fluids – burn trauma patients are especially susceptible to hypothermia.

Right-click on the graphics below to download.

Right-click on the graphics below to download.

Public Safety Day

Telfair County – The first annual public safety community day and bike ride was a resounding success. The event was organized by Deputy Willie Coney and Wayne Clay of Telfair Cares. The Region 5 RTAC Injury Prevention Subcommittee provided bicycle helmets and safety literature for attendees. These children in attendance will not soon forget their law enforcement escorted bike ride nor their time paying and interacting with professional responders from the Telfair County Sheriff’s Office, Telfair County EMS, McRae-Helena Police Department, and McRae-Helena Fire Department

Thanks to Sheriff Sim Davidson and Deputy Will Coney for allowing the Trauma Injury Prevention Team to join the fun!

Firearms Safety Day

Houston County – Firearms Safety Day during Georgia Stay SAFE Week was a success! We are proud to have partnered with Air Evac Lifeteam 154, the Perry Police Department and City of Perry Fire & Emergency Services to keep our community SAFE! Fun prizes and safety activities were available for the children, and cable gun locks were provided to parents.

Creekwood Park and Splash Park

Perry Georgia
Thursday, June 24, 2021

Georgia Stay SAFE

Unfortunately, 90% of fatal firearm incidents involving children occur in the home. Medical organizations, public health agencies, gun owners’ associations, and public safety personnel all support safe firearm storage practices in homes with children and youth. Studies show that proper gun storage is associated with significant reductions in the risk of unintentional injuries and suicides among children and youth.

Each year during the first week of summer, we work collaboratively to reduce firearm injuries in the pediatric population and beyond in our state by promoting firearm storage and safety through community outreach and professional education. This summer, the Georgia Stay SAFE Coalition is excited to announce the launch of the Georgia Stays SAFE campaign. 

Please email region5rtac@gmail.com to learn more.