Find TRAIN courses approved by the Georgia Office of EMS and Trauma

To find TRAIN courses approved by the Georgia Office of EMS and Trauma, please go to LMS ( and on the left, click on Training. At the top of the page, where it says “Select Course Type”, select “Continuing Education – TRAIN”, and then click GO. You will find a list of courses on that have already been reviewed by the Office of EMS and Trauma and approved for use. Click on the course of interest, and in the description, you will find the link on for where to register for the course (you will need to have signed up for a TRAIN account to register for a course).

Courses completed on that have been approved by the Office of EMS and Trauma will be added to your LMS transcript by the Office of EMS and Trauma – you do NOT need to add these manually to your transcript in LMS.

To request a review of additional courses for approval by the Georgia Office of EMS and Trauma, please email , and include the link to the course you want to be reviewed.